The Brazilian Territorial Sea and the Exclusive Economic Zone encompass almost 4.5 million km2. Yet, at the International Year of Biodiversity
(2010), the Marine Biome remains the least studied environment to date, and Brazil stands as a country that knows little about its marine biodiversity.
To expand knowledge on marine biodiversity, this project established a Network for Marine Biodiversity Research in Brazil.
The Network is mainly concerned with the Brazilian reef biota and consists of three different research hubs, one in each major region along the
Brazilian coast: South (lead by Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina-UFSC), Southeast (lead by Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo-UFES)
and Northeast (lead by Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco-UFRPE). The Network also encompasses several partner Universities
(UFSC, UFRGS, USP, UFF, UFRJ, UFES, UFSC, UFRPE), 15 Graduate Programs, and 15 researchers awarded CNPq Excellence Research
Grants. The SISBIOTA Network integrates more than 25 ongoing research and outreach projects organized into three major research themes:
Project 1 (Ecology), Project 2 (Evolution), and Project 3 (Marine Chemistry). Project 1 encompasses several projects focused on ecological patterns
and processes in the marine realm (e.g. trophic interactions among reef fish and the benthic community), emphasizing studies of
functional groups that are directly connected to Projects 2 and 3. Project 2 is concerned with evolutionary patterns and processes
(e.g., dispersal and vicariance) that have shaped Brazilian marine biodiversity in space and time. Finally, Project 3 aims to investigate
ecological interactions on the chemical level (e.g. predation and herbivory) among marine reef organisms. The establishment of the SISBIOTA
Network brings together, for the first time, key Brazilian research groups that, to date, have not integrated their research goals and expertise. As
a long-term objective, the SISBIOTA Network aims to enable Brazil to better detect and find solutions to the nation’s challenges concerning the
marine realm. |